CDR Administation

This section is aimed at persons who will have to administer the CDR scripts and services and perform troubleshooting. The CDR software comprises a number of C-shell scripts and binary executables. While the C-shell has limitations as a programming language, it is available on all variants of UNIX, it is easily modified and appropriate for scripts up to several hundred lines of code.

Installation from the tar file distribution

The scripts are installed from a tar file, the latest version being CDR2004.3.tar and an up-to-date copy of this file in the public area of the home directory for "gordon" The tar file is transferred into the home directory of the CDR account on the DAQ machine and unpacked into a sub-directory called cdr.  In addition, there must be a symbolic link configuration pointing to cdr/configuration in the home directory of the CDR account

The tar file contains the following:


CDR Configuration File

The CDR configuration file allows the customisation of the service for different experiments. Parameters in the file are extracted by line number, a simple yet practical method. A sample file is given below including the in-line comments and some explanations.  The format of the configuration was changed at the start of data taking in 2004 and is incompatible with the old file format.

#       CDR-2004 CONFIGURATION - parameters are identified by line number
#3 --  Working directory on local machine
#6 --  Temporary file directory
#9 --  Filesystems to look for the datafiles.
/shift/lxshare012d/data01 /shift/lxshare012d/data02
#12 -- Presence files
#15 -- Maximum no of concurrent running hsm_daemons/rfcp processes
#18 -- cdr_control wait time in seconds
#21 -- Local machine name, cdr_account and os_type
lxshare012d ntofdaq linux
#24 -- 1: max number of retries for copy  2: reread frequency of config file
2 3
#27 -- stage_host machine name - one stage_host only
#30 -- Tag to indentify files which are currently copied
#34 -- Log file name for the copied files and purge     
#38 -- Procedure to say if a file is ready for transfer from DAQ
#41 -- Stage pool name
#44 -- Command to send messages to the DAQ
#47 -- Data files are under ( afs / dunix / hp / ibm / linux / sgi / sun )
#50 -- Switches for deleter | log_level 
#      0 = off, 1 = on
1  0 
#54 -- Watermarks - % of filesystem full for start/stop of the purger
70 50
#57 -- Name tag to identify the datafiles
#60 -- CASTOR pathname - "get_castor_path" uses this value

The execs directory contains the five principal scripts which are described in a later section. The bin directory contains some auxillary scripts and also executable of common CASTOR commands like nsls, rfcp etc. This is because some DAQ machines are quite old and may not have a local CASTOR installation.

crontab, croncdr, acroncdr


Main CDR Exec Scripts


This is normally started from the crontab entry and it periodically checks that the main script cdr_control is running. If cdr_control has aborted for some reason, it restarts the process and notes the event in the watchdog log file. It also checks that there is only one cdr_control daemon running on the system.


cdr_control is the main script for CDR and which runs indefinitely in a loop. At regular intervals, typically every 180 seconds, it executes a sequence as follows:

  •       Extracts configuration file parameters

  • ·     Check for file system purging according to the high and low watermarks as given in the configuration file. The usage of a file system must be greater than the high watermark for purging to start.

  • ·     Check for new files ready to transfer to CASTOR. For each file, it invokes the hsm_daemon to perform the transfer. Files for transfer are identified by the “tag” parameter and in addition, the file must pass the “file_done” criteria which is experiment dependent. The simplest form of “file_done” is to take all files but the latest one.

  •       cdr_daemon builds a list of files ready to be copied to CASTOR and transfers the files in group of 20. After transferring 20 files, the main loop is exited allowing the purger to run and free up space before the next batch of files is copied to CASTOR.  

  • ·     Sleep for an idle time – default is 180 seconds


cdr_purge is called with a directory as a parameter and the script will try to remove files until the low watermark for the file system is reached.

In order that a file is a candidate for deletion, it must have a partner flag file in the same directory with “finished_hsmcopy” appended to the file name. In addition the file must have the migrate bit set in CASTOR indicating that the file is on tape and the sizes of the file on the DAQ system and in CASTOR must match.




hsm_daemon is executed from the script cdr_control and handles the transfer of one file.

 Auxiliary Scripts and Executables

These are contained in the subdirectory cdr/bin


A single CASTOR destination directory is specified in the configuration file. In the simplest case, all cdr files are copied directly to this directory. However, some experiments require a sub-structure into which files are mapped according name or type. This mapping is experiment dependent and is handled by "get_castor_path" - get_castor_path is usually a symlink to the actual script text.


Files for transfer via CDR are collected in a data directory on the DAQ system. However, CDR must not transfer files which are open and still being written. The file_done script is called for each file and a status of 0 returned if the file is ready for transfer. In most cases, all but the latest file can be transferred but some experiments explicitly mark files that are ready for transfer.     




The European laboratory for particle physics
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