CDR FAQ: Introduction


Q1. What is Central Data Recording (CDR) ?

The Central Data Recording (CDR) system is a software tool for the transfer of raw physics data from online data acquisition systems (DAQs) to permanent offline storage. The aim of the CDR service is to provide a reliable and resilient system for fast and effiecient storage of raw data, whilst ensuring data integrity at all times. Please read the CDR home page for more information

Q2. Who is responsible for the CDR service ?

Reponsibility for the CDR service lies with the FIO group in the Information Technology division. In particular, the DS section of FIO provides best effort support for CDR. CDR support can be contacted by sending a mail to .

Q3. What is the policy concerning usage of the CDR ?

The service is available for use by all experiments running at CERN

Q4. Who contributed to the development of the CDR

The pioneer of CDR at CERN is Bernd Panzer-Steindel, who developed a CDR system for the NA48 experiment. Since then the service has been supported, developed and customised to incorporate the diverse requirements of many experiments by Laura Bertolotto, Charles Curran, Leanne Guy, Csaba Hajdu and Gordon Lee. Read here for more information

The European laboratory for particle physics
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