Tape Labels, ANSI and IBM

Last updated on 3 July 2008. New items are marked by .

Standard Labels

All users of tape media are strongly advised to use magnetic labels. The format of these labels is defined by ANSI Standard X 3.27, and major computer suppliers such as IBM provide relevant documentation. One such manual published by IBM is:

Using Magnetic Tape Labels and File Structure
SC26-4565 (1991)

However, not every system will handle them correctly: this is particularly true of Unix systems, which are generally very poor in this area. You would be sensible if you considered installing the portable tape daemon and related software developed at CERN for Linux, which provides good support for label handling.

For systems which do handle labels, these labels can offer a greater level of security in data handling, as there are several fields that are checked by the operating system before control of the volume is handed to the user. Once he has control, he can still destroy the volume by inadvertently rewinding and then writing, but many common sources of problems are avoided. What then are these labels?


CERN's Hierarchical Storage System proposes to make use of the User Header Labels (UHLs) and User Trailer Labels (UTLs) permitted  by the ANSI X 3.27 standard. This allows it to overcome some of the deficiencies suffered by the (very) old ANSI standard. See here for details.

All labels are 80 byte records of 8 bit bytes. All labels come in label groups, terminated by a file mark (tape mark, eof). All but the first label group on a volume are also preceded by a file mark (tape mark, eof). All labels you are likely to come across are written as text strings of ASCII or more rarely nowadays (IBM) EBCDIC characters.

Label records must start with one of the following sets of 4 bytes:

VOL1 for the very first label record on a labelled volume. If this label is incorrect, you will not advance at all.

HDRn where n is one of 1-9, the 'header label'. HDR1 and HDR2 are normally found together at the beginning of a dataset. DEC systems such as VMS often use HDR3, and higher, also. They should appear in increasing sequence of n.

UHLn where n is one of 1-9, the 'user header label'. This label is not accepted in practice by all systems, but it should be 'tolerated'. It will be up to you to process any information in it. They should appear in increasing sequence of n. IBM label processing permits only UHL1-8, while ANSI labels may in fact use any ISI/ANSI/FIPS hexadecimal character for 'n'. This character set consists of the following:

A-Z, upper case alphabetic
0-9, numeric digits
space (32 decimal in ASCII, 40 hexadecimal in EBCDIC)
! " % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > or ? ('special' characters)

After a 'header label group', such as VOL1/HDR1/HDR2/eof, data records follow and in principle can be of any length and in any number. They are normally more than 80 bytes and until recently were rarely more than 32760 bytes in length. Beware! Many old systems will still object to a block length greater than can be held in 16 bits, that is 32765 bytes. Eventually, an eof will appear and then a 'trailer label group' is expected. Some older tapes may just show one or more eofs, and end. A valid trailer group should however contain the following.

EOFn where n is one of 1-9, the 'end of file label'. EOF1 and EOF2 are normally found together at the end of a dataset. They should appear in increasing sequence of n.

UTLn where n is one of 1-9, the 'user trailer label'. This label is tolerated, but it will be up to you to process any information in it. They should appear in increasing sequence of n. IBM label processing permits only UTL1-8, while ANSI labels may in fact use any ISI/ANSI/FIPS hexadecimal character for 'n', as in the case of 'UHL' labels.

Note that EOVn where n is one of 1-9, the 'end of volume label', will appear instead of EOFn if this is the final label group on the volume, but the dataset continues on another volume. EOV1 and EOV2 are only expected together and at the end of a volume. They should appear in increasing sequence of n.

Volumes that have just been initialised

Such a volume will contain no data records, and normally a single 'header label group'. Most operating systems will use the ANSI label scheme, if any, and record the first 4 characters as '564F4C31' in hexadecimal ('VOL1' in ASCII). Older IBM systems will typically write this in EBCDIC code, which for the VOL1 label record will start with the characters 'E5D6D3F1' ('VOL1' in EBCDIC).

The normal sequence you will see is VOL1/HDR1/eof/eof, in either ASCII or EBCDIC codes. Volumes initialised for use with DEC systems may show a VOL1/HDR1/HDR2/eof/eof sequence, and will usually be in ASCII code.

Occasionally, you may see a volume with a sequence VOL1 in EBCDIC followed by no other label or file mark, padded with 0s. This is the result of the IBM 'WVOL1' initialisation command, and can cause problems for many tape label handling systems. Once you are sure this is what you are looking at, and that there is no useful data on the tape, you may decide to re-initialise the volume.

ANSI X 3.27 standard has serious limitations

This standard and the ISO 1001 standard are very old. They were first used in 1978-1979, when 7-track and 9-track tapes containing about 160 MBytes were the most common media.

Present-day tapes such as the Redwood 50 GByte volumes use by default at CERN a block size of 256K (K=1024) or as near to this as possible. The number of files written to a tape can easily reach 100,000 or more.

The restriction in the standard description to volume serial numbers of 6 characters, to block lengths of at most 99999 bytes, and to at most 9999 files, is now a great nuisance. The 'recommended' method of handling this problem is to specify 0 bytes, and provide the necessary information to the operating system of the host in some other way.

A further difficulty is caused by the lack of any specification of a standard external label. Thus we have OCR stickers, code39 barcode stickers, and now a variety of 'media identification' codes. The normal use of code39 should be to present an 8-character code for a volume serial number (the external sticker is usually referred to as the Volume IDentifier or VID at CERN), of the form '*AB1234*'. The '*' characters are the standard start/stop codes. Normally, the code can be read in either direction. However, IBM robotic libraries expect one particular print direction. STK silo libraries use '$' as the start/stop code and normal code39 equipment cannot decode these labels. Scanners capable of decoding the STK code and normal code39 are available at CERN. These are the Symbol Technologies LS 400xi and the Worthington Data Solutions LZ 200.

The media identification normally comes pre-attached to media. On older media (such as STK REdwood) this was a separate 'single character' label. More modern media incorporates the media identification as an extension to the VID. Current commonly used media identifiers are:

IBM   3480     (200 MByte, 18 track)        none, absent
IBM   3490     (800 MByte, 36 track)        E
IBM   3590     (10 GByte, 128 track)        J
IBM   3590     (cleaning tape)              C

IBM   3592 J1A (300/500 GB)                 JA (symbols 7-8)
IBM   3592 E05 (500/700 GB)                 JB (symbols 7-8)	

STK   Redwood  (10 GByte helical)           A
STK   Redwood  (25 GByte helical)           B
STK   Redwood  (50 GByte helical)           C
STK   Redwood  (cleaning tape)              D

STK   DLT7000  (35 GByte)                   D  (symbol 7)

STK   T10000A  (500 GB)                     T1 (symbols 7-8)

LTO 1          (100 GB)                     L1 (symbols 7-8)
LTO 2          (200 GB)                     L2 (symbols 7-8)
LTO 3          (400 GB)                     L3 (symbols 7-8)
LTO 4          (800 GB)                     L4 (symbols 7-8) 

EBCDIC and ASCII character codes you may see in labels

 Character   EBCDIC code     ASCII code                                         
  symbol       Dec  Hex       Dec  Hex                                          
  A            193   C1        65   41                                          
  B            194   C2        66   42                                          
  C            195   C3        67   43                                          
  D            196   C4        68   44                                          
  E            197   C5        69   45                                          
  F            198   C6        70   46                                          
  G            199   C7        71   47                                          
  H            200   C8        72   48                                          
  I            201   C9 hex    73   49 hex                                      
  J            209   D1        74   4A                                          
  K            210   D2        75   4B                                          
  L            211   C3        76   4C                                          
  M            212   D4        77   4D                                          
  N            213   D5        78   4E                                          
  O            214   D6        79   4F                                          
  P            215   D7        80   50                                          
  Q            216   D8        81   51                                          
  R            217   D9 hex    82   52 hex                                      
  S            226   E2        83   53                                          
  T            227   E3        84   54                                          
  U            228   E4        85   55                                          
  V            229   E5        86   56                                          
  W            230   E6        87   57                                          
  X            231   E7        88   58                                          
  Y            232   E8        89   59                                          
  Z            233   E9 hex    90   5A hex                                      
  0            240   F0        48   30                                          
  1            241   F1        49   31                                          
  2            242   F2        50   32                                          
  3            243   F3        51   33                                          
  4            244   F4        52   34                                          
  5            245   F5        53   35                                          
  6            246   F6        54   36                                          
  7            247   F7        55   37                                          
  8            248   F8        56   38                                          
  9            249   F9 hex    57   39 hex                                      

  space        64    40        32   20

  !            33    21
  "            34    22
  % percent    37    25
  & ampersand  38    26
  '            39    27
  (            40    28
  )            41    29
  * asterisk   42    2A
  + plus       43    2B
  , comma      44    2C
  - minus      45    2D
  . fullstop   46    2E
  /            47    2F
  : colon      58    3A
  ; semicolon  59    3B
  < less       60    3C
  = equal      61    3D
  > greater    62    3E
  ? question   63    3F hex

Fields you may see in labels and their meanings

The layout of data in the 80 bytes of the standard VOL1, HDRn, EOF and EOVn labels is standardised and does not vary greatly between the ANSI version of a label or the IBM version. The most significant difference is the character coding, ASCII being most common nowadays but EBCDIC codes still appearing from time to time, especially on older tapes.

CERN presently uses the VOL1/HDR1/HDR2/UHL1, HDR1/HDR2/UHL1, and EOF1/EOF2/UTL1 combinations. Plans to use UHL2, UTL2 have never been implemented.

VOL1 label

 Bytes     Length   Example       Significance to user                          
   1-3         3        VOL       Always, first label record of volume          
     1         1          1       Always, first label record of volume          
  6-10         6     AB1234       The VOLSER, Volume Serial Number, VSN         
 11-80        70     spaces       IBM uses EBCDIC 40 hex                        
    11         1      space       Accessibility. Volume usable.                 
 12-37        26     spaces       Reserved                                      
 38-51        14      owner       Usually spaces                                
 52-79        28      space       Reserved                                      
    80         1          1       Always 1 for ANSI, ASCII 31 hex               
                                  Usually 3 for DEC VMS volumes  

HDR1, EOF1 or EOV1 label

 Bytes     Length   Example       Significance to user                          
   1-3         3        HDR       Header label (EOF or EOV possible)            
     1         1          1       Header label number, 1.                       
  5-21        17     MYDATA       File identifier (non-CASTOR or CASTOR Version 1.x tapes)

  5-21        17  bitfileID       Hexadecimal CASTOR bitfileID (CASTOR Version 2.1 or higher tapes)   
 22-27         6     AB1234       Set identifier (VSN, 1st volume)              
 28-31         4       0001       File section number                           
 32-35         4       0001       File sequence number, 0001-9999               
 36-39         4       0001       Generation number                             
 40-41         2     spaces       Version number of generation                  
 42-47         6     cyyddd       Creation date, e.g. '000017'
 48-53         6     cyyddd       Expiration date, e.g. '000017'
    54         1      space       Accessibility                                 
 55-60         6     000000       Block count                                   
 61-73        13     CERNVM       System code of creating system                
                                  IBMnnnnhhmmss sometimes for IBM               
                                  DECFILE11A or similar for DEC                 
 74-80         7     spaces       Reserved                                      

The CASTOR bitfileID (HDR1 5-21 above, in Hexadecimal) can be used to directly find the CASTOR file full path name:

nsGetPath castorns bitfileID-10 (NB decimal value of the bitfileID!)

Note that the date form includes the 'century' code, 'c', which was blank for the years 1900-1999 and is '0' for the years 2000-2099. It is always advisable to set the expiration date when a volume is being initialised ('prelabelled') to be a date before the current date, so that writing to the tape is immediately possible.

HDR2, EOF2 or EOV2 label

 Bytes     Length   Example       Significance to user                          
   1-3         3        HDR       Header label (EOF or EOV possible).           
     4         1          2       Header label number, 2.                       
     5         1          U       Record format. F, U or V (IBM only).          
  6-10         5      32000       Block length in bytes (maximum).              
 11-15         5      32000       Record length in bytes (maximum).             
 16-80        65     spaces                                                     
    16         1          5       Recording density (IBM). 0-5.                 
 35-36         2          P       Compressed data follows (3490 etc.).          

HDRn, EOFn or EOVn label

 Bytes     Length   Example       Significance to user                          
   1-3         3        HDR       Header label (EOF or EOV possible).           
     4         1          3       Header label number, n in range 3-9.          
  5-80        76     spaces       Not used by system.                           

UHLn, UTLn label

For the original document proposing to use the UHL and UTL within CASTOR at CERN, see here.

UHL1 and UTL1

 Bytes     Length              Example       Significance to user                          
   1-3         3                   UHL       User Header label (UTL possible)             
     4         1                     1       Header label number
  5-14        10             000012345       Actual files sequence number
 25-34        10             000262144       Actual record length 
 35-42         8                  CERN       Site
 43-52        10              TPSRV201       Tape mover hostname
 53-60         8                   STK       Drive manufacturer
 61-68         8                T9940B       Drive model
 69-80        12          456000001642       Drive serial number                           

UHL2 and UTL2

Not in use at CERN

 Bytes     Length              Example       Significance to user
   1-3         3                   UHL       User Header label (UTL possible)
     4         1                     2       Header label number
  5-24        20  00000000000000376975       Bit file ID (64 bits)
 25-34        10             CASTORNS1       Name Server hostname
 35-38         4                  0644       Absolute mode
 39-48        10            0000000395       Uid
 49-58        10            0000001028       Gid
 59-78        20  00000000010031553895       File size in bytes (64 bits)

UHL3 and UTL3

Not in use at CERN

Bytes     Length               Example       Significance to user
   1-3         3                   UHL       User Header label (UTL possible)
     4         1                     3       Header label number
  5-18        14                             User name
 19-26         8                             Experiment/Project name
 27-28         2                             Checksum algorithm (AD for adler32, CS for cksum)
 29-38        10                             File checksum (32 bits)
 39-57        20   2001/04/04 08:51:30       Last modification (UTC)

UHL4 and UTL4

Not in use at CERN

Bytes     Length               Example       Significance to user
   1-3         3                   UHL       User Header label (UTL possible)
     4         1                     4       Header label number
   5-9         5                 00001       Copy number
  10-14        5                 00001       Segment number
  15-34       20  00000000010031553895       Segment size in bytes (64 bits)
  35-36        2                             Checksum algorithm (AD for adler32, CS for cksum)
  37-46       10                             Segment checksum (32 bits)
  47-65       20   2001/04/04 08:51:30       Tape write timestamp (UTC)
  66-75       10            0000002342       Number of blocks

Scanning or dumping labels

Many batch systems allow users to scan or dump the labels on a tape. At CERN there is a dumptape utility that can allow you to 'view' tape labels and data files. This can be useful if you find difficulty in reading a volume due to incorrect dataset name specification, blocksuze conflicts, and so on. Here is a typical example of what such a task might show. Here we start at supposed data file 166 on presumed labelled tape T01218, and scan 2 files (labels and data):


[lxfsrk4502] ~ > dumptape -V T01218 -q 166 -F 2
Sep 15 11:56:58 dumptape[606]: selecting tape server ...
Sep 15 11:57:08 dumptape[606]: * tpsrv617 is a possible tape server.
Sep 15 11:57:08 dumptape[606]: ! selected tape server is tpsrv617.

 BLOCKID:                    00000000
               T01218 HAS AN ASCII LABEL

 OWNER IDENTIFIER:           CASTOR        


 FILE ID:                    57D79CD          
 VOLUME SEQNO:               0001
 FILE SEQNO:                 0166
 CREATION DATE:              006258
 EXPIRATION DATE:            006258
 BLOCK COUNT:                000000

 RECORD FORMAT:              F
 BLOCK LENGTH:               00000
 RECORD LENGTH:              00000
 DATA RECORDING:             P

 FILE SEQNO:                 0000000166
 BLOCK LENGTH:               0000262144
 RECORD LENGTH:              0000262144
 SITE:                       CERN    
 DRIVE MODEL:                T10000A 
 DRIVE SERIAL NUMBER:        531001002694
 00000000   bb0bbc0d65ce80bf0bcf59e70cd75d848b9867d74e569896c3f78ecd13c6dea9    *...........X.P)d.q.P+.qoC7...F.z*
 00000020   14161e31eeee6762ed5c41da5d2b4b22f3281d6b6c7ceabf778783d6579a229c    *.........*..)...3..,%@...gcO....*
 00000040   72198af4293417dc7626a622694de45eed674a6855ee3f2fc97ba984d3dfd8cc    *...4......w..(U;........I#zdL.Q.*
 00000060   0402147517cad497367f6cf5f74519d39b0ff689cc84beb5cd25d4d4fd5033b0    *......Mp."%57..L..6i.d....MM.&..*
 00000080   66cbb1711fadb6402d264bf5ab3457fe1f5465ab5fd5c37973ef9b62e5c3e983    *.....[. ...5........^NC`....VCZc*
 000000a0   6a6d0c6e29c357062718c4dbb51640998b10329759dc60bb3eab663fcc326bad    *._.>.C....D... r...p..-.......,[*
 000000c0   7b417f8528462d4baffa146cb7d913ba21ee60981b6702ebe6800fceab62d6cb    *#."e.......%.R....-q....W.....O.*
 000000e0   9d24b5c4441dab9c99db68c9589c19357fe863e9af0ff79c3cefd16c994eda7e    *...D....r..I...."Y.Z..7...J%r+.=*
 00000100   6882f792909ce539a27d3c3ff39532538d906d57ba7bda8acbef2a7655674735    *.b7k..V.s'..3n...._..#..........*
 00000120   01d36fbbbcb85acb5b1e25f107d869d271698cfbbc37d6b2a04e517aa1757c48    *.L?...!.$..1.Q.K......O..+.:~.@.*
 ***** TAPE MARK READ *****      FILE 1 CONTAINED 2289 BLOCKS.
                                 FILE SIZE WAS 600000000 BYTES
                                 MAXIMUM BLOCK LENGTH WAS 262144 BYTES
                                 MINIMUM BLOCK LENGTH WAS 214528 BYTES
                                 AVERAGE BLOCK LENGTH WAS 262123 BYTES

 FILE ID:                    57D79CD          
 VOLUME SEQNO:               0001
 FILE SEQNO:                 0166
 CREATION DATE:              006258
 EXPIRATION DATE:            006258
 BLOCK COUNT:                002289

 RECORD FORMAT:              F
 BLOCK LENGTH:               00000
 RECORD LENGTH:              00000
 DATA RECORDING:             P

 FILE SEQNO:                 0000000166
 BLOCK LENGTH:               0000262144
 RECORD LENGTH:              0000262144
 SITE:                       CERN    
 DRIVE MODEL:                T10000A 
 DRIVE SERIAL NUMBER:        531001002694
 BLOCKID: Retrieve error

 FILE ID:                    57DA38B          
 VOLUME SEQNO:               0001
 FILE SEQNO:                 0167
 CREATION DATE:              006258
 EXPIRATION DATE:            006258
 BLOCK COUNT:                000000


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Charles Curran IT-DS-HO